Že ves teden več kot 4 milijone mladih po celem svetu opozarja na podnebne nevarnosti in ignoranco vodilnih, ko nanese na to temo. Niso pa le mladi po svetu tisti, ki so začutili, da je čas za večje družbene spremembe. Ponosni smo, da so med njimi tudi naši učenci in učenke, zato z veseljem objavljamo pismo, s katerim nas želi nagovoriti učenka 9. b razreda, Luna Vitez.
Na nas je, da naše učence, učenke, otroke, vnuke in druge male borce podpremo in jim pomagamo, da bo njihov glas slišan.
Pismo učenke Lune Vitez:
Our Earth, a green planet full of life. Home to flowers, animals and us, humans. Supposedly the smartest species on this planet. Smart…huh…are we?
I mean – yes, we found fire, we built civilizations, we made countries and democracy, we made electronics. We found and invented so many things, not knowing that with making technology, plastic and so much more, we are digging ourselves a deep grave.
So if we are so smart, how did this happen? I don’t have an answer.
Our actions are overheating our planet. We are slowly killing our home.
Is it too late? No, not yet. But soon it will be. So why aren’t we making a change? Why are we fighting cold wars between our nations and not fighting a war with climate change? How can a politician turn a blind eye on a burning forest, when he has children at home, who breath the same air? Luna Vitez, 9.b
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